The Őrangyal Pharmacy was founded in 1890 in the Szovát settlement, now known as Hajdúszovát.

Hajdúszovát in 1890

The blue arrow indicates the Őrangyal Pharmacy, which has been operating in the same building without interruption since 1890.


The Őrangyal Pharmacy became the property of Kálmán Áts-Nagy in 1907, and since then has played a decisive role not only in the supply of medicinal products but also in the research and development of medicinal preparations.

The pharmacy in 1912

Today, the Őrangyal Pharmacy is located in the same building as shown on this 1912 postcard.


Pharmacists Kálmán Áts-Nagy and Lajos Áts-Nagy can also be linked to the launch of the Őrangyal pharmacy’s own branded products and the creation of the first image of the pharmacy.

Our products from 1929

Our own branded products were launched thanks to the work of the renowned Áts-Nagy family of pharmacists.


At the time of nationalisation in 1946, the Áts-Nagy pharmacist dynasty was transferred to pharmacist Sándor Szüts.

Transfer of ownership in 1946

The article appeared in the July-December (Vol. 2, No. 13-26) 1946 issue of the Orvosok Lapja (Journal of Doctors).


Dr. István Péterfy, a renowned pharmacist, took over the operation of the pharmacy in 1989, and following privatisation in 1996, it became privately owned. Thanks to his work, the traditions and values of the Őrangyal Pharmacy were preserved and passed on to the next generation of pharmacists.

Dr. István Péterfy


Within the framework of the Őrangyal 1890 Gyógyszerészeti Kft., the new owner of the pharmacy is Dr. László Balogh. From then on, in addition to continuous expansion of the pharmacy network, research development and market introduction of medicinal products also received a prominent role.

Dr. László Balogh
CEO, pharmacist